
Our First House

Kevin and I bought our first home in September 2008. It is a 1960's traditional colonial. When we looked at it, we thought we'd hardly have to do anything to it. Once they took their stuff out, we realized there was a lot to be done. Of course we went straight to work and didn't take ANY before pictures so the before pictures on here are the current condition of our house (2/10).

Our whole house was painted various tones of peach from top to bottom unless there was wallpaper. The wallpaper for the most part was to look like some sort of sponge painting so at quick glance, we were unaware it was wallpaper until we moved in.


Right when we moved in, we painted the outside shutters, and garage doors. The kitchen, hall, downstairs bathroom, master bedroom, dining room, living room, and upstairs bathroom. We changed out the hardware in the kitchen, replaced the mirror and light in the downstairs bath, and a few door handles and that was about it. Then it was time to focus on our wedding.

We were married September 12, 2009 so our house and anything that had to do with it got put on the back burner. With DIY-ing all of the paper products among other things for the wedding, I didn't have a single moment to worry about updating and or renovating our house. Now that things have settled down, that's all I can think about. I can't wait to continue to make changes to our home since I think we're going to be here for a VERY long time!
We live in a park in a suburb in New York. The school system we're in is one of the top 10 in the nation. Our back and front yard is constantly a cozy spot for deer to lay, squirrels to run, and birds to keep their homes. It is always a beautiful scene.

I will post pictures of the outside when it's not covered in melting snow. That's never attractive. Fresh snow yes, muddy brown snow, not so much!

Our wedding website is http://toniaandkevin.weebly.com/ if you want to see our wedding and my planning bio :)